I wrote adrplexus mock exams they were awesome helped me a lot
Preparation Strategy
What was your study Plan?
I started my prep in internship, gone through all subjects in routine way
After my internship I realized what are my weak subjects and strong ones
So I concentrated in biochem micro gynaec which were my weak areas
And also planning it according to the exam was key thing which I learnt during this time
How many hours did u study ?
6 to 8 hours per day
Your tips for success ?
Knowing what to study, when to i.e focused n intensive study Planning is really important.But perservance matters at the end if u have the knowledge.
During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?
A lot of times.
How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?
Six months initially for covering the entire thing and a month for revising it intensively so that it strikes to our mind spontaneously.
When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?
During internship.
Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?
Ya, but it’s the same for everyone, planning the revision exactly suiting to that particular exam is the key to win over volatile memory.
What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?
It was 6 to 8 hours per day I wasn’t able to stick to the plan But whenever I m going out of track I used to do exams frequently so that I get the drive to keep me in track.
What is your advice to the future aspirants?
Everybody has their own way of studying. So don’t lose sleep over what other people may or may not do. And I urge aspirants to remember that your pg preparation is only as good as your health and to never compromise on health. Eat healthy, sleep and rise early and throw in a little exercise everyday. The rest automatically follows.
Which books did you read for the theory part?
Robbins tripathi ananthnarayan.Chaurasia ganong etc the same as everyone.
What was your strategy for the exam day?
Open mind, just playing it cool.
What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with 250 or started from middle of the question paper.
I started from the 1 and went through it all along.It was my second time and also adrplexus mock helped to realize how to manage time a lot. Whenever I lost my patience I just took small breaks and get back into exam.
Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?
Several times.But thanks to my family they never set me goals and my brother always supported when I m going through such things being alone is really dangerous in such situations rather taking a break and talking with family n friends helped me a lot.
Tips for your Juniors
HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies
If we are through the entire subject its wise to give at least 550 to 650
If its first time better restrict to 450 to 500.
What are the do’s and don’ts in PGI exam
Don’t try to remember too much before PGI.Keep you mind free and try to solve by thinking. Keep your focus on not marking things you know wrong.
YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION
Mudit Khanna
Manoj Chaudry
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