The most student friendly coaching institute I have come across. Adrplexus PGI mock test is how a mock test should be. It throws a near perfect simulation of real exam and makes PGI exam feel no new. Mock tests helped me to manage my time well in exam. Ques from patho surgery and pharmac in the mock tests were too good.
Preparation Strategy
What was your study Plan?
First reading was to prepare things for revision like making notes , deciding what to mark for controversial ques and textbook reading. Plan was mainly to revise as many times as possible. Revision is an ART… you need a lot of dedication to master that. Each revision makes you smarter in handling mcqs.
How many hours did u study ?
6-8hrs/ day EVERYDAY. Everday is the crucial part and not the number of hours!
Your tips for success ?
If you want what you want give everthing you have got. A certain aount of preparation is required to crack the entrance exam and once you have done that what decides your rank are things like your confidence, smartness , test day performance…. But all of these get better with each revision.
During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?
Yeah and I guess it happens to everyone because this is the first time we will be sitting for such a long time of 6 to 8 months of preparation for exam.
How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?
6 to 8months of solid preparation and smart revisions are all that’s required.
When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?
From April.
Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?
Yep … this is everybody’s problem. My plan was to revise the first subject in one day after the completion of every 4 subjects and that used to serve as a check to asses how much I am retaining. I had pocket diaries where in I had notes of most imp things and used to revise them pretty much everyday. Once I completed my first reading of pharmacy and micro I used to revise them atleast one hour a day for at least 3days a week.
What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?
5days each for pre and para , 3days each for short subjects and 5 days each for pedi and obg and 12days each for medicine and surgery. And I have stuck to the timetable pretty well.
What is your advice to the future aspirants?
A good orientation is all that’s required to crack the entrance. Believe in yourselves and think positive and better have people who think alike around you. Understand yourselves well and play by your strength and address your weaknesses. Make sure you are strong in atleast 6-8subjects. Wish you all the best.
Which books did you read for the theory part?
Subwise mcq books and standard texts for reference like robbins, Harrison, kd tripathi , ananthnarayan. Anatomy imp topics like heas and neck , pelvis & perineum etc from BDC
What was your strategy for the exam day?
Slept well and went with a positive attitude and tried to be as relaxed as possible. And kept the thinking process in the exam as simple as possible because it’s quite natural to get extraordinary theories and ideas inside the exam hall.
What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with 250 or started from middle of the question paper.
Started from q.1 and ended with 250.
Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?
Yep and its quite natural and you need to seek help to beat that.
As always family and friends helped me overcome it and boosted me with confidence.
Tips for your Juniors
What was your strategy for NOV PGI 2014?
I revised all the topics in the list of imp topics given by adrplexus. Revised pre and para subs previous week bfr xamz and final year subjects then . Revised micro one lesson a day evry morning and pharmac one lesson evng everyday for the last 20days.
HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies
Around 500 and marked those options which is was sure and took risks only in my strong areas. Main concentration was to keep up the time and was able to complete the paper in 2hr30mins. My plan was to complete 85 ques in the first one hour and 100 to 110 ques in the second one hour and to complete first round by 2.30 hrs and then do the subsequent rounds.
Dealt with negative and double negative ques by completing the sentence like if the ques is all are not true except…. i used to read it like are not true except which are true nd den look for true options.
What are the do’s and don’ts in PGI exam
Keeping up the time is a very crucial thing in pgi exam. No point in reading the options for a question which u feel like u have absolutely no idea. If at all u are to take risk better that be not with options having numericals and single answer questions.
Don’t get stuck to a question. If u don’t complete the paper u will not just loose a few ques … u will lose a lot of options!
YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION
Manoj chaudhary
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