First of all I would like to thank my seniors for guiding me to join ADr plexus…for me ADr plexus played a important role in my success…Faculties were best and there was constant support in every aspect from Dr. Arun Kumar sir for getting the best from each one of us. It’s the best when it comes to institute exams.


PGI RANK OBC - 2 , JIPMER - 23 , AIIMS - 73

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

Initially when the preparation started, I had no clue about from where to start and how to go about it. My seniors guided me on where to start and the classes will say you how one should go about. I planned in such a way that I could get two months of revision ahead of my exams and it helped me.

To sincerely attend classes and take notes meticulously and revise the same forms a key and major part in the preparation. Initial study when we go through mcqs I marked the mcqs which I found difficult so that I could revise it during the forthcoming revisions.Ofcourse I should sacrifice a few things and routine enjoyments for some time.

How many hours did u study ?

Frankly I couldn’t study the day once the classes got over..

For the first four months I would hardly study for 6-8 months. But the end of the day I could complete what I planned for that particular day. It doesn’t matter how many hours you put in, but the time you put in should be concentrated whole heartedly…In the last two months the study time increased to 10-12 hours per day..

Your tips for success ?

1.  Proper notes and revision

2. know the topics which you should study and the topics what not to study from guide books

3. refer then and there when you have doubts

4. take tests seriously and complete it once the particular subject is completed.

5. follow online forums for recent updates

6. adequate mocks and adequate revisions

7. discuss with friends

During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Obviously yes. In difficult times speak to your friends. My friends believed in me more than I believed in myself.


How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

If ug preparation if good, then 5-6 months, if not additional 1-2 months.

When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

Honestly to say if one’s ug days reading were good, pg preparation courses during ug days is not necessary.

I seriously started reading for pg after CRRI.


Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

To overcome this is the major problem for everyone. Few things I followed

1.    I never read standard textbooks for ug during pg preparation and to try and remember facts from standard text book, used only notes and guide books.

2.    Know what not to study, all the topics and facts aren’t necessary.

3.    During my first revision, I made a note of the facts and topics which I found difficult at the end of my notes for each and every subject, revising those again and again helped me a lot.

4.    Difficult facts and topics revise with your friends.

5.    Form your own idea of remembering facts however worst the idea could be and make sure you share the same idea to remember things with your friends, it will surely help you remember

What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

As of such I didn’t ve a daily timetable. I only planned to complete what I should complete on that particular day and time limit for each subject roughly 7-10 days a major subject and 2-3 days for minor subject. Sticking to this was very difficult.

What is your advice to the future aspirants?

First of all prepare yourself mentally on how to go about and get ready to sacrifice few things. Guide books only form a additional role to your notes from the classes.

Attend tests and complete tests regularly. Never compare yourself with others. Only thing you should compare is your performance in the tests with the previous one. With 19 subjects in hand one should able to identify ones weak points and revise it again and again. Get the concepts clear rather than only getting the answers correct when practicing mcqs. These 6 to 8 months are not the only thing which determines your success your ug preparation also helps you.

Which books did you read for the theory part?

Notes formed the important part. As far the books is concerned,

Anatomy – Arvind arora

Physio – Dr. Krishna Kumar sir notes and crisp

Biochemistry –  Dr.Rebecca Mam notes and book

Pathology -Dr.Vanadhana Mam notes and her book

Pharmacology-Dr. Thiru sir notes and few topics from sparsh

Microbiology -Dr.Vasanth sir notes and apurb sastry

Fm -Dr.Mohit sir notes and Sumit sethi

ENT -Dr.Shibu sir notes and Sakshi arora ent

Ophthal– Dr.Sudha Seetharaman Mam notes and book

Spm -Dr. Murugan sir notes and few topics from vivekjain

Medicine– Dr.Rakesh Nair sir notes & Dr.Dilip sir notes(guide books used only for mcqs)

Surgery -Dr.Rajamahendran sir notes and surgery sixer

Og -Dr. Sakshi Mam notes and few topics from her books

Pediatrics– Dr. Sarath balaji sir notes and his book

Ortho -Dr. Abbas sir notes and apurv mehra

Derm and radiology– Dr. Khaleel sir notes

Anesthesia -Dr. Prem sir notes

Psychiatry -Dr. Mohansunilkumar sir notes

Sarp book for mcqs

Amit ashish for Aiims previous papers

Target jipmer for jipmer papers

Manoj Chaudhary for pgi papers.

What was your strategy for the exam day?

Sleep well the previous night(which I could follow only before pgi that too because of travelling)

Don’t skip breakfast. Eat something which doesn’t give you the feel of hungry during exam time. Take some fruits before going to exam hall.

What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question

No 1 and ended with last question or started from middle of the question paper.

Always from question 1 to the end.

Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

Yes. Speak with your friends and family. Sleep well when felt low.

Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for NOV 2017?

Plan well to have time for revision. As already stated I made a note of  facts and topics from every subject which I revised again and again.

The week before all the institute exams

1.I went through the notes and the difficult topic notes which I made for myself.

2. went through only the question and answers (not the explanation) of previous three papers

HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

 Aiims 197/200

            Jipmer 237/250

            Pgi I marked around 520-530 options

Always start from first

Read all the options before marking the answer

Pgi to avoid frame shift errors and for time management attend as many mocks as you can


What are the do’s and don’ts in exam


            Keep calm

Time management

            Attempt 90-95% in Aiims and Jipmer

            Read thoroughly before answering


            Don’t panic if you don’t know

            Don’t spend too much time for a particular question

            Skip the question if you never ever heard of the question or options

YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION

Notes formed the important part. As far the books is concerned,

Anatomy – Arvind arora

Physio – Dr. Krishna Kumar sir notes and crisp

Biochemistry –  Dr.Rebecca Mam notes and book

Pathology -Dr.Vanadhana Mam notes and her book

Pharmacology-Dr. Thiru sir notes and few topics from sparsh

Microbiology -Dr.Vasanth sir notes and apurb sastry

Fm -Dr.Mohit sir notes and Sumit sethi

ENT -Dr.Shibu sir notes and Sakshi arora ent

Ophthal– Dr.Sudha Seetharaman Mam notes and book

Spm -Dr. Murugan sir notes and few topics from vivekjain

Medicine– Dr.Rakesh Nair sir notes & Dr.Dilip sir notes(guide books used only for mcqs)

Surgery -Dr.Rajamahendran sir notes and surgery sixer

Og -Dr. Sakshi Mam notes and few topics from her books

Pediatrics– Dr. Sarath balaji sir notes and his book

Ortho -Dr. Abbas sir notes and apurv mehra

Derm and radiology– Dr. Khaleel sir notes

Anesthesia -Dr. Prem sir notes

Psychiatry -Dr. Mohansunilkumar sir notes


Sarp book for mcqs

Amit ashish for Aiims previous papers

Target jipmer for jipmer papers

Manoj Chaudhary for pgi papers.

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