ADrPlexus contributes to a major share in my success

After completing my subject wise preparation i was a bit worried On how to revise that wast syllabus … Dn one of my seniors who got paediatrics in pgi suggested me to join adrplexus .

I joined the course and followed the classes and gave the mocks sincerely.

Arun sirs strategy’s worked out great…

I believe more than 50% of credit goes to Arur sir’s strategy class


PGI MAY'15 RANK – 122

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

I studed aiims vol first then knowing the most repeted and important topics i did the subject wise study and revision part plexsus did and i sincearly listend to the clases

How many hours did u study ?

Hours of study was not constant it varied between 8 to 10, hr or4 to 5 hrs some other day but used to comcentrate well when i study

Your tips for sucrevise

If you work with devotion success comes one day or the other but b persistent till u achieve your target

During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Yes that happned often my rank in state PG after 1yr preparation was bigger compared to that i got with internship… I totally lost hope but my parents encouraged me told that hard work would be revarded.. And i joined adr crash course in 2months of strict revision i got a good rank

How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

6 to 8 months would be sufficient….with good basics in UG.

When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

Only after joining adr i thought of writting pgi before that i was preparing for aiims ..

Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

Every morng vd my friend i used to revise some 5 or 6 tables …. Or some fun meimonics when ve sat together helped a lot…

What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

I had a time table during preparation …I could stick that for about 70% only

What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Know what topic to study and wat not to.. Previous papers of all India; AIIMS & PGI are a must.. Losing even 1 repeat is like RUNNING THE RACE IN REVERSE DIRECTION…. Never ever loose hopeat any point of preparation if today is not yours one day will be yours keep preparing till then

Which books did you read for the theory part?

In my ug I had a habit of Reading standard books that helped me a lot. books that anybody read but remember to make a crisp notes out of any book u read

What was your strategy for the exam day?

Stopped studying a day before the exam …had good breakfast and maintained cool

Tips for your Juniors

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