ADR tests are something every student aiming for pgi must write in order to aquaint himself for the pattern and topics. Adr’s test are very close to actual pgi test pattern. Adr makes the complex pattern of exam easy


PGI Nov'14 Rank - 02

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

The usual plan, had to start all the subjects from the beginning. Did my first reading thoroughly without putting any time limit for any subjects. Read subjects according to my coaching classes’ time table.First reading took lot of time. Had planned for two rounds of revision but ended up doing only once. Knew that revision is what matters so didn’t hurry in it either.


How many hours did u study ?

On an average 14 hours a day.


Your tips for success ?

Basics is what one has to be thorough with, and there are ‘PGI topics’ which are entirely different and keeps repeating. They’r sure marks you cant afford to miss although they may not be of much use for other entrances.


During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Yeah ofcourse, regulary. But you gotta come back and stick to your plan and continue studying coz thats the only way out.


How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

I believe 6 to 8 months of well planned preparation would be enough. But earlier you start the better.


When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

I started my preparation in april as soon as my coaching classes started.


Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

Yeah, had tough time remembering facts. But I think we don’t have to worry about them coz its the concepts that actually matters in pgi. So its better to spend time on the concepts especially in subjects like physiology, biochem, pathology, micro and final year subjects. That’s probably what has helped me most in my exam.


What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

I used to study the subject covered in coaching classes for rest of the week. But one thing that I had planned but couldnot keep up was ‘regular revision’.


What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Keep in touch with the recently asked topics in pgi, you can notice that there are some favourite topics for pgi and be thourough with them. Reading these topics from standard books like Robins and Harrisons is pretty important and wont be waste of time I assure you.


Which books did you read for the theory part?

Anat , physio , biochem , ent , opthal and other short subjects from Arvind Arora Pharmac and Pathology from Sparsh Gupta ( read Robbins for few frequently asked topics) PSM from Vivek Jain. Medicine from Mudit khanna. Surgery from Amit Ashish. Pediatrics and OBG from Speed coaching materials.


What was your strategy for the exam day?

Writing ADR plexus exams has helped me a lot in this coz of its similarity with the real EXAM DAY . I knew that the day was important for me and hence had to be relaxed and just keep focussed on marking right answers there and nothing else.


What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with 250 or started from middle of the question paper.

I started from question 1. Skipped long questions to answer them at the end. Had kept target for every 30 minutes which left me with 30 min to review paper once. One should make their own plan for that precious 3 hours.


Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

Yeah especially when I started my revision with expectation that I would remember most of the things but it would be nothing easier than fresh reading. But don’t give up coz its this revision that stays in your head while writing exam.


Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for NOV PGI 2014 ?

It was simple. Finish your regular reading in all subjects, once done with it concentrate more on pgi topics while you keep revising important topics.


HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

I marked around 600 options. Didn’t attempt guessing more options coz there were already too many right options and each wrong option would cost more than one negative mark. This is one thing you should keep track of. As you keep giving adr plexus mocks you should keep increasing the number of options you mark which should come to around 550 at the end. Read more, know more and mark more is the only strategy.


What are the do’s and don’ts in exam

Do not waste your time on reading unnecessary topics and big books.


YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION

For PGI preparation questions from Manoj Chaudari. And as said earlier important topics from Robbins and Harrison. Suggestions for future aspirants For competitive exams you don’t have to know everything but just more than others and better than others.. and more importantly ‘revise or regret’.


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