Choosing ADr PLEXUS for my PG preparation was one of the best decisions I made..All faculties were excellent & especially DR.ARUN sir who guided and motivated us throughout..The study materials provided by ADr plexus was really helpful..Both the subject wise mock tests and grand tests was very useful in constantly checking my level of preparation & the explanations were too good….Their classes even included image based questions which made us accustomed to the current new pattern..


Dr. Chandni Jay

AIPGMEE Nov'16 - 526, Govt Villupuram Medical College

Preparation Strategy

What was your study Plan?

 I started preparing only after internship…I attended the classes regularly and gave mock tests side by side…prepared my own handwritten notes for all subjects…after my first reading , I started revising from September…apart from focusing on the theory part I used to solve a minimum of 300 McQs everday….followed online forums  of renowned authors which helped a lot in approaching controversial McQs.

How many hours did u study ?

I used to study approx 10 – 12 hrs a day.

Your tips for success ?

        Hard work and perserverance…..solving previous year MCQs will help a lot on how to approach a question….Frequently revising your handwritten notes…attending mock tests & grand tests regularly….


During your preparation, did you ever doubt your ability to succeed in it?

Yes !! a lot of time I felt low & depressed during this 9 months of preparation…My parents & friends were my constant support..  I managed to pull myself together & continued my preparation.

How much time do you think one requires for serious preparation for this examination ?

 It entirely depends on the  individual’s hardwork…. According to me, 9 to 10 months of constant preparation is sufficient for cracking  NEET

When did you seriously start preparing for this exam?

 From MAY 2016 after completing my CRRI…I gave my maximum efforts in the last 2 months before the exams..

Did you face the problem of volatile memory? If so, how did you deal with it?

  Yes of course…I made separate notes of points I tend to forget and revised it frequently…Took snapshots of difficult tables & charts and spent 15 to 30 min everyday in revising it

What was your daily timetable during the preparation? Were you able to stick to the timetable strictly?

Though I wasn’t able to stick to the timetable initially , I tried my best to follow it during the last few months of revision… I spent equal time on revising the theory & solving previous year McQs.

What is your advice to the future aspirants?

Do not deviate from your goal….make your own timetable, spend more time on repeated topics….even if u cant follow your time table , try to complete as much as  u can…put your maximum efforts… hardwork will always be paid

Which books did you read for the theory part?

Anatomy    – Dr Rajesh kaushal’s book

         Physiology – Dr. Krishna kumar’s notes & arvind arora

         Biochemistry – Rebecca James

         Microbiology – Apurba sastry

         Pathology   – Devesh sir’s book

         Pharmacology – Thirunavukarasu sir’s notes

         FM – Adr material

         ENT – class notes

         Ophthalmology – arvind arora

         SPM – Rajasi mam notes & vivek jain

         Medicine – class notes & Deepak marwah

         Surgery  – Dr. Rajamahendran’s book

         O&G  – Dr vidhya’s notes

         Paediatrics – Sarath Balaji sir’s notes

         Ortho – Dr.Abbas sir’s notes & arvind arora

         Skin & radiology – Dr. Khaleel sir’s notes

         Anaesthesia & psychiatry – Arvind arora

What was your strategy for the exam day?

Stay relaxed & calm…sound sleep of atleast 6 hrs the night before exam…not to lose self confidence at any point…Do not study anything new just before the exam,that will make u lose confidence..Approaching the McQ by applying the concepts  we hav studied is more important than how much we have studied

What was ur style of answering question. Whether you started from question no 1 and ended with last question or started from middle of the question paper.

 I  started from the first question only…I answered the questions which I was very sure .. marked the others for review & later answered them by ruling out options.

Did u underwent the phase of depression. How did u overcome it?

PG preparation times are probably one of the toughest periods in everyone’s career.. Yes, even I went through that phase, more during the last few days before exam….my parents & friends helped me a lot in overcoming those stressful periods

Tips for your Juniors

What was your strategy for NOV 2016?

My preparation was mainly towards NEET 2016…I took 9th morning session..It was more of one liners rather than concepts….I made separate notes of all possible one liners & revised only those before the exam…..Repeat questions were less but questions were from repeated topics…so its wise to study in depth from repeated topics rather than studying everything….concentrate more on preclinical subjects & short subjects….


HOW many choices did u attempt ? ROUGH NUMBER. Please detail your strategies

 I attended all 300 questions….DONOT MAKE SILLY MISTAKES IN EASY QUESTIONS – this is what Arun sir said for NEET & I adhered to it…

What are the do’s and don’ts in exam

Stay confident…Do not stress your mind when you see a difficult question….First answer the questions which u know for sure…This will give u a confidence to

approach difficult ones… Dnt answer hastily.. take time ,read the question twice and read ALL the options even if u know the answer….Ruling out options & answering will always help you in marking the correct choice….


YOUR recommended books for PG PREPARATION

 All the books that I have mentioned earlier….ROAMS will be useful during last days of revision for those who haven’t made class notes….otherwise any standard books by renowned authors is enough..

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